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Awards and Accreditations

KriaaNet excels in winning Awards and Accreditations across government and commercial sectors, recognizing our outstanding technical expertise. Our expert teams obtain relevant certifications for unparalleled client services

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  • LeMay Center high speed internet contract banner

    KriaaNet was awarded for FY22 LeMay Center High-Speed Internet by the US Department of Air Force

    KriaaNet was awarded for FY22 LeMay Center High-Speed Internet for the United States Department of Air Force (DAF).  KriaaNet has won this Prime contract for the Air Force at Maxwell and Gunter AFBs to provide high-speed internet at LeMay Center. KriaaNet is responsible for circuit turn-up and monitoring. MORE ABOUT OUR KEY SERVICES?


  • WMATA for cisco ACI implementation contract banner

    KriaaNet was awarded a sub-contract for Cisco ACI fabric multi-site Implementation and Migration by WMATA

    KriaaNet have been awarded a sub-contract by Washington Metro Transit Authority (WMATA) for Cisco ACI fabric multi-site Implementation and Migration. For the Washington Metro Authority, KriaaNet as a sub-contractor provided design and connectivity configuration for 3 Data centers, one of them was at Equinix Facility (78 racks), and the other two were at a customer facility. The KriaaNet team…


  • Manage ARMS for FDIC contract banner

    KriaaNet was awarded by FDIC for manage its Automated Records Management System

    KriaaNet is happy to announce our recent Prime contract win at The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). KriaaNet is responsible for administrating The Records and Information Management Program, under the Division of Records and Information Management Unit (RIMU) at FDIC. Our team will manage Automated Records Management System (ARMS) to support the Records Management Assistance Center (RMAC) Helpdesk to maintain mission-critical data. …


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